Objednávky oftalmologického materiálu:
Servis oftalmologických přístrojů TOPCON:
To evaluate the rotational stability, visual acuity and refractive error after sulcus
implantation of a secondary toric IOL.
One clinical practice in Haugesund, Norway.
Non-interventional single-arm diagnostic study.
Eligible subjects who had previous successful primary cataract or refractive lens
exchange surgery in one or both eyes and the AddOn® secondary toric IOL implanted in the
sulcus were evaluated at a single postoperative diagnostic visit to measure visual outcomes.
Subjects with surgical complications (either primary or secondary) or pathology that would
affect best-corrected visual acuity (eg, amblyopia) were excluded. Clinical evaluations at the
diagnostic visit included measurement of visual acuity, manifest refraction and IOL
Eighteen eyes were evaluated. After secondary IOL implantation, mean residual
refractive astigmatism was significantly reduced (1.66 ± 0.92 to 0.32 ± 0.25 D). There was
no appreciable change in the spherical equivalent refraction. Sixteen of 18 eyes (89%) had
residual refractive astigmatism ≤0.50D, and no eye had more than 0.75D after secondary IOL
implantation. Mean UCVA was 0.00 ± 0.03 logMAR, with no eyes worse than 0.10. Mean
BCVA was −0.05 ± 0.03 logMAR (20/20+2), with all eyes having BCVA of 0.00 logMAR.
The mean change in orientation was near zero, with a mean absolute change of 4.9 ± 3.7
degrees. Sixteen of 18 eyes (89%) had a lens orientation ≤10 degrees from intended, with no
eye oriented more than 13 degrees from intended.
The AddOn® toric sulcus IOL significantly reduced postoperative refractive
astigmatism in patients with high astigmatism after their primary cataract or RLE surgery,
providing very good uncorrected distance vision.
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